How can we use AI to introduce
second languages to children?

Drumm: Language Learning App
  • AI Product Design concept

The preservation of mother tongues among immigrant children is a significant issue. Immigrant families often face challenges in maintaining their heritage languages, especially in regions where bilingual education programs are limited. Drumm has recognised that although the child is the end-user the parent is the facilitating user, and we can use AI and ML to make learning for the end-user more natural and personalized by helping the facilitating-user.

Defining the problem

  1. Data shows that analysis, covering 6,511 languages and various predictors, indicates that without intervention, language loss could significantly increase, potentially leading to the disappearance of over 1,500 languages by century's end. Urgent measures, including language documentation and community-based education programs, are essential to preserve linguistic diversity.
  2. A lot of parents want their children to learn their language but they don't know how to teach them. Initially they are motivated but certain factors along the way (busy, tired from work e.t.c) cause them to lose interest. Drumm has recognised that although the child is the end-user the parent is the facilitating user, and we can use AI and ML to make learning for the end-user more natural and personalized by helping the facilitating-user.

How will the Drumm app solve this problem and create value?

  1. Both users input their level of proficiency in a given language in-order for Drumm to be able to customize its curriculum. Users will also input audio of their voices in order for Drumm to recognize them. Users will also add data about their environment, current city, hobbies e.t.c.
  2. Speech Recognition and Analysis: Utilizing AI for speech recognition allows the app to listen to the user’s speaking and offer real time feedback. This is crucial for detecting specific corrections and future courses.
  3. NLP can be used for human-like text and speech. This is crucial for conversational exercises that mimic real-life conversations, providing a more immersive learning experience.
  4. Predictive Analytics - AI can predict which areas of language learning a user might struggle with based on their performance data, it can proactively suggest targeted exercises before the user encounters difficulties.


  • Unique Focus: Drumm's emphasis on minority languages fills a significant gap in the market.
  • Parental Involvement: Encouraging active participation from parents.
  • AI and ML Personalization: Leveraging advanced technology to tailor learning experiences makes Drumm highly adaptable to individual learner needs​​.
  • Cultural Integration: strengthens familial bonds and cultural heritage​​.


  1. Growing Multilingual Families: Increasing number of multilingual families worldwide presents a growing market.
  2. Educational Partnerships: Collaborating with could expand reach and enhance its credibility.
  3. Community Building: Creating a community around language learning can provide users with additional support and motivation.
  4. Expansion to More Languages and adults..can gradually expand to include more, broadening its appeal.


  • Complex Language Nuances: Minority languages often have deep cultural nuances that may be challenging to encapsulate fully in an app-based learning environment.
  • Resource Intensity: Developing comprehensive content for less commonly taught languages may require significant resources and expert input.
  • Market Size: The focus on minority languages may limit the potential market size.


  1. Competition: established language learning apps that might expand into minority languages​​.
  2. Cultural Sensitivity: Risk of misrepresenting or oversimplifying cultural aspects.
  3. Technological Changes: Rapid changes in technology mean continuous updates to stay relevant.
  4. Language Preservation Challenges: The broader societal trend of language shift and loss could make mission more challenging.

Understanding the user pathway from an AI perspective

Wireframes and Initial Skectches

I decided to sketch out potential features and considerations before moving to wireframes, this gave me a concise idea of the 'steps' that need to take place for my app to function.

mind map brain storm
Low fed - wireframe
HIGH fed - wireframe


Drumm will help parents who lack resources or consistent motivation to teach children a language that they know. With AI’s ability to provide real-time feedback, especially users can improve their language skills more effectively.The most value will come from the cultural connection as parents will be able to connect their children with their heritage and culture which brings many significant benefits. Focusing on minority languages will set Drumm apart from other language learning apps. This niche addresses a specific, often underserved market and this will be its USP. Although the current focus is on parents and children the potential to scale is huge, and has many possibilities to attract investment. This will also likely increase retention amongst users and the satisfied users are more likely to subscribe to premium features.

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