Website re-design
  • UX Design
  • Visual Design

As the lead Product Designer for the CTAP app, I conducted extensive user research to understand the needs, challenges, and preferences of medical representatives who would be using the app. This involved engaging with users through interviews, surveys, and focus groups, where they shared their experiences, pain points, and suggestions for improvement.

Goals and Objectives

  1. Increasing Reps' Market Knowledge: Equip reps with detailed insights into the hospital market, helping them understand potential sales opportunities more clearly.
  2. Enhancing Sales Effectiveness: Offer resources that enable reps to craft more compelling and targeted sales pitches, addressing specific needs of each hospital or IDN.
  3. Streamlining the Sales Process: Simplify the process by which reps access information and tools, allowing them to focus more on strategic selling and less on administrative tasks.

Overview of User Research

I conducted extensive user research to understand the needs, challenges, and preferences of medical representatives who would be using the app. This involved engaging with users through interviews, surveys, and focus groups, where they shared their experiences, pain points, and suggestions for improvement.

Understanding the Sales Environment
Questions Asked:
  1. Describe a typical day in your role.
  2. What are the main challenges you face when selling medical equipment to hospitals?
  3. What tools do you currently use to support your sales efforts?
  1. Describe a typical day in your role.
  2. What are the main challenges you face when selling medical equipment to hospitals?
  3. What tools do you currently use to support your sales efforts?
Current Tool Usage and Gaps
Questions Asked:
  1. What tools do you currently use to manage leads and opportunities?
  2. ave you seen or used anything similar to CTAP before?
  1. Many reps relied heavily on tools like Excel, PowerPoint, and Salesforce but found these tools to be cumbersome and not tailored to their specific needs.
  2. There was a general consensus that CTAP had the potential to be more targeted and intuitive, with suggestions for improvements like faster data refreshes and better navigation.
Pain Points with Existing Tools
Questions Asked:
  1. What do you find frustrating about the tools you currently use?
  2. What would make CTAP more useful to you?
  1. Reps expressed frustration with slow data refreshes on mobile and the need to manually navigate through multiple steps to access critical information.
  2. There were also concerns about the accuracy of the data presented, with some reps encountering discrepancies between the app’s data and real-world situations.
Desired Features and Improvements
Questions Asked:
  1. What features would you like to see in CTAP to make it more effective?
  2. Are there any reminders or alerts you wish the app could provide when you’re about to meet with a client?
  1. Reps suggested the inclusion of dropdown menus for easier navigation, real-time alerts for significant changes in account status, and the ability to toggle between different types of data views (e.g., indications vs. actual procedures).
  2. The desire for customizable dashboards and more accurate, real-time data was a recurring theme.

Design and User Interface

Leveraging insights from the research phase, I developed an intuitive user interface that prioritized ease of use and accessibility:

Wireframes & User flows

I developed wireframes that outlined the structure of each screen, ensuring that the layout would facilitate easy navigation and quick access to critical information. These wireframes were iteratively refined based on user feedback to optimize the user experience.

Final Design

User-Centric Design: I focused on creating a user-friendly interface that ensured reps could quickly navigate the app and access the necessary information without friction. Streamlined Navigation: I carefully crafted the user flow to minimize the number of steps needed to perform key tasks, such as viewing potential sales opportunities or accessing hospital profiles. Data Visualization: I collaborated closely with a Tableau developer to transform complex market data into easily digestible and actionable insights for reps.


increase in usage within the first month

The user research played a crucial role in shaping the CTAP app, ensuring it met the practical needs of the medical representatives it was designed to support. By focusing on the actual experiences and challenges faced by the reps, the app was able to deliver a more effective, user-centric tool that improved their chances of success in the competitive healthcare market.

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