
Website re-design
  • UX Design
  • Visual Design

Having been around since September 1989. Amarula has been a favorite go-to liquor amongst many africans and now the world. With its social media and packaging already updated, the only thing left was the website its self. I began by first understanding the journey it took for Amarula to get here and what was being expected as a result.


  1. Maintain layout - As well as owning Amarula, Distell Group Limited had many other brands under its umbrella. As a way for its developers to easily manage the various sites and save money, DSL created a ‘universal wireframe’ that could be used across all of its brands with the occasional custom adjustment.
  2. Make use of brand assets - A lot of hard work had been put into the rebrand especially the curation of assets that expressed the brand in a colorful way. It was important that some of those assets were used in a creative way.
  3. Be creative with the content provided - Amarula had a lot of content that was text heavy needed to be included such as recipies and its rich detailed history.


The Assets

Despite its ambitious vision, Syarpa was missing one key aspect: a user-centered design. After reviewing their user stories and the original screen designs it was clear that everything had to be recreated from the ground up. I saw this as an opportunity to bring my expertise to the table and create a seamless and intuitive user experience.

Working with the wireframes

The wireframes gave suggestive content areas for storytelling and brand differentiation. Images or videos areas worked great for integration. The design was organized to provide a comprehensive brand experience, from product discovery to the company's heritage and latest updates.

Animation + Interactions

After consulting with the development team to align with their timelines, I crafted understated interactions and animations that not only highlighted the brand’s primary colors but also ensured ease of implementation. This consideration was critical as it was one among several brands undergoing a redesign and development process.

Animation + Interactions

The outcome of the final design was visually rich and vibrant. The main page featured high-quality images of Marula trees and Amarula products, reinforcing the brand's narrative around the Marula fruit and its African roots. Overall, it's a comprehensive design that balances brand storytelling with user experience.


50 000
website visitor increase

Amarula's key stakeholders were thrilled with the project's outcome, expressing particular admiration for the African pattern that I had innovatively adapted into a border for the product section. The website's traffic surge from 20,000 to over 70,000 visitors is a testament to the redesign's impact. Moving forward, I believe an essential step for Amarula would be to facilitate direct online purchases through the site, leveraging a network of local and international third-party distributors to streamline the process for customers globally. This strategic move could significantly enhance customer engagement and sales.

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